Crystal Clear SapHGuard pH Buffer


Crystal Clear SapHGuard pH Buffer

Crystal Clear SapHGuard pH Buffer, when used as directed, will stabilize pond water pH & maintain buffering capacity between 80-240 ppm. CrystalClear SapHGuard pH Buffer will help prevent wide pH swings which are common from dawn to dusk due to fish respiration & plant photosynthesis. A properly buffered system resists changes in pH due to acid rain & other external factors. Alkalinity is also essential for bacteria to complete the nitrification process, which allows ammonia to be converted into nitrite & nitrate. A drastic change in pH may cause stress or even death in ornamental fish & plants. Safe pH ranges for pond fish & plants are 6.5-8.0. It is important to remember that pH is typically lowest at dawn & highest at dusk. Therefore, it is important to test your pond at the same time each day to measure results. It is always best to test the pond buffering capacity & pH first with CrystalClear Test Strips. If the buffering capacity reading is below 80-240 ppm apply CrystalClear SapHGuard pH Buffer.

Crystal Clear SapHGuard pH Buffer 2lbs. treats 8,000 gallons


Item # Description Price Points  
CC011-2 Crystal Clear SapHGuard pH Buffer - 8oz. Was $12.29$10.99 30 Add to Cart
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