


Every one in Koi and pond keeping knows that the biggest killer of fish is the dreaded Aeromonas - especially in the spring and summer period. Ulcer Disease kills thousands of Koi each year and until now Koi and fish keepers have been relatively helpless. There are, of course, loads of medications and potions all claiming to eradicate this or cure that, but they are all chemicals or antibiotics. While some work, they all have risks since they are all essentially chemicals. So who wants to put chemicals into their fish pond if it can be avoided? And wouldn't it be better to prevent the illness in the first place? The problem, until now, has been that pond keepers have had little choice. Finally, now they do -

KoiZyme - the pro-biotic that effectively prevents Ulcer Disease. KoiZyme contains no chemicals, no medications and no antibiotics of any kind. It is a proprietary, organic preparation of non-pathogenic bacteria, enzymes and micro-nutrients, and it works on established principles defined in scientific literature. B

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